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Valentine’s Day Messages for Kids Tradition

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Looking for an easy tradition to start with your kids? This Valentine’s Day messages for kids activity is perfect not only for Valentine’s Day, but for birthdays, too!

Valentine’s Day is just a couple of weeks away. I started this countdown activity with my kids last year, and we loved it so much, I decided to make it an annual tradition!

This Valentines’s Day messages countdown is perfect for birthdays as well. It’s a fun way to share with kids all the many things you love about them, and it’s inexpensive and easy, as well!

valentines day messages 1

You can make this countdown as long as you like; I stick to about 14 days (starting on February 1st). Just cut out (or purchase) some cardstock hearts (here’s a link to some on Amazon you can check out)!

I purchased red and pink hearts, one color for each of my kids. You can also purchase a variety of colors and mix and match (I did this last year).

valentines day countdown

Each day leading up to Valentine’s Day (or your child’s birthday, if you’re doing this as a birthday countdown), tape one heart to his/her door using washi tape (which should be able to be removed easily once the countdown is done).

valentines day messages
hearts on door

My kids loved reading their Valentine’s Day messages last year, and I can’t wait to start this tradition up again this year! Such a GREAT way to list all of the wonderful things that make your kid(s) special!

We have more easy and fun Valentine’s Day activities and printables here!

Thanks so much for reading all about our Valentine’s Day Messages for Kids Tradition. Have a lovely day!

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