One of the biggest issues for many homeowners in England and across the UK is the lack of storage spaces. Getting a house is getting more expensive, and so every metre is very valuable.

With that being said, bespoke furniture pieces and especially bespoke wardrobes are now the popular choices in maximising space. Bespoke furniture provides us with more versatility and customisation so we can make use of even the most awkward spaces and tight corners.
If you are currently thinking of commissioning a built-in, bespoke wardrobe, here are 10 important things to know to make the most of your investments.
1.How To Maximise Storage Space
Yes, the main idea of the bespoke wardrobe is all about getting more of your available space. But how exactly?
First, with a freestanding wardrobe we typically have extra spaces on top of the wardrobe, as well as on the sides. These are valuable spaces we can use as a storage, and a bespoke wardrobe can maximise these spaces.
Also, a custom-fitted wardrobe can fit awkward spaces, for example that unused space below your stairs or tight corners in the house.
2. Long-Term investment With Good ROI
Many people worry about investing in bespoke furniture pieces—including wardrobes—because they can’t take the furniture when they finally decide to move from the house.
However, as long as the furniture pieces are in good conditions, in most cases you’ll always recoup the costs when you sell the house.
Many homebuyers in big cities like London are willing to pay extra for good bespoke wardrobes. Remember, storage spaces are valuable.
3. Bespoke Wardrobes Allow Budget Flexibility
It’s a common misconception that fitted wardrobes are expensive, but that’s not always the case if you know where to look. Bespoke wardrobes can come in a wide variety of material choices and styles with varying price ranges. You can get affordable options from retail markets, and there are also bespoke furniture specialists like London Bespoke Interiors offering a wide variety of choices across all styles and price ranges.
There are many affordable choices offering decent quality, and if you do have the budget, you can get custom-fitted wardrobe to suit your exact needs and preferences. Make the most of your investment.
4. Fitting the Bespoke Wardrobe
It’s quite often that the bespoke wardrobe is the biggest piece of furniture in the bedroom, so it’s wise to get the other elements in the room sorted before the fitting process. You should finish all other decorations for the room before you measure the available space for the wardrobe.
Also, some fitted wardrobe models don’t come with the back, so the wall behind it will show when it’s opened. So, if you are planning to paint the wall or get a new wallpaper, do this before the installation.
5. Finding The Right Company
Choosing the right furniture company or a furniture maker to do the job is very important.
Arguably, however, asking for recommendations from your family and friends is still the best approach. If for example, you like a friend’s piece of furniture, ask for the furniture maker.
You can always check for online reviews and photos of the company’s past projects to make sure you are making the right choice.
6. Pay Extra Attention To Wardrobe Doors
The doors of your bespoke wardrobe can play a very important part both in aesthetics and functionality.
If you have a fairly limited space in your bedroom, you can opt for sliding or folding doors to allow extra space. There are also a wide variety of styles and material choices you can choose from.
The main principle is to make sure the doors will fit the overall style of the wardrobe and the room, but using certain material might also offer aesthetic benefits.
For example, mirrored doors can give the illusion of a larger space.
7. Measure Properly
You might or might not get a professional measurement service from the furniture company. However, there are several important measurements that will help in designing your bespoke wardrobe.
First, measure your ceiling throughout the room on both ends and the middle. Your ceiling might not be level across the room, so you’ll need to make adjustments with your wardrobe. Similarly, check for floor level variations throughout the room.
8. Choose a Lasting Design
Chances are, you will use the bespoke wardrobe for at least a few years in the future. So, it’s important to choose a lasting design that you yourself will be comfortable with in the next few years. It’s also wise to choose durable materials that can stay in good conditions for the next few years and even decades.
Generally, decide on a colour palette for the whole room, so you can mix and match your furniture pieces—including the fitted wardrobe—. A good furniture company might be able to help you from conception to installation. They might be more expensive, but will help you get a better ROI for your long-term investment.
9. Don’t Forget Your Shoes
If you are including a shoe rack, you have two main challenges: saving storage spaces, and making sure the shelves are big enough for your shoes.
In general, there should be enough linear space of 16 to 30 centimetres for each pair of shoes. A pair of women’s shoes generally will measure between 14 to 25 cm a pair, and men’s pairs are around 15 to 27 cm.Also, if you have boots, make sure you have enough height. Ankle-high boots are usually around 8 cm in height, and knee-high boots can be as high as 45 cm.
10. The Perfect Interior
Don’t forget that the inside of your wardrobe is just as, if not even more important than the exterior. Make sure you have enough storage space according to your needs, and choose the right display options. Remember that you will this bespoke wardrobe for a long time.
Also, don’t forget about lighting. Good lighting can significantly enhance the interior of your bespoke wardrobe, so it can be an affordable option if you are looking for aesthetics. If you have a lot of suits in your collection, for example, you might want to design a specialised shelves.
End Words
Here at London Bespoke Interiors, we provide an all-in-one service from the conception of your bespoke furniture pieces to design and finally installation. We offer a wide variety of options for bespoke wardrobes covering all the different sizes, styles, and material choices.
The main idea behind a bespoke wardrobe is versatility in maximising space and to get a custom-fitted wardrobe according to your preferences, and we are looking forward to become your partner in achieving these goals.